Friday, November 29, 2019

Macroeconomics Final Paper free essay sample

All economic indicators point to the fact that the United States has been in a recession for at least a year now. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time (as defined by Gregory Mankiw in his textbook, â€Å"Brief Principles of Macroeconomics†) clearly indicates that the U. S. economy has entered a recession. Consistent with the past three recessions in the U. S. (early 80’s, early 90’s, and 2001-2003), the Real GDP’s growth rate has become increasingly volatile over the past five quarters. In fact, per the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), the GDP has contracted in two of the past four quarters. According to the BEA’s Table 1. 1. 1 – Percent Change from Preceding Period in Real GDP, the only other times in the past 30 years when the real GDP decreased in two of any given four consecutive quarters was during the aforementioned recessions. We will write a custom essay sample on Macroeconomics Final Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This lack of growth, and in some cases, contraction of the Real GDP is a direct indicator that U. S. production is also shrinking†¦something that occurs during a recession. The nation’s cost of living is largely measured by the consumer prices index (CPI), the overall cost of the goods and services bought by a typical consumer. A rising CPI indicates that people are paying more for the things they are buying. Per the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) website, the CPI is the most widely used measure of inflation. Inflation tends to fall during time of economic hardship due to the fact that there are fewer injections of money into a struggling economy, and less money means less inflation. According to the BLS, for the 12 month period ending December 2008, the CPI rose . %, the smallest calendar increase since a . 7% decrease in 1954, indicating that money is not being loaned and â€Å"created. † When money is not being loaned or changing hands, an economy is struggling. The unemployment rate is also an indicator of our nation’s economic wellbeing, or lack thereof. Unemployment is also measured by the BLS. It is considered a lagging ind icator of the economy, meaning that the unemployment rate will not reflect a recession or economic boon until such time that the event has already started (or completed, depending on the duration of the event). This is because employers do not generally layoff workers at the first sign of an economic downturn nor do they instantly hire more workers when the economy starts to recover. BLS statistics show the unemployment rate in December 2008 to be 7. 2%, a 2. 3% rise over the 4. 9% unemployment rate in December 2007. The unemployment rate had remained relatively stable during 2006 and 2007, hovering in the 4. 5%-5. 0% range. So, this rapid rise in unemployment confirms the nation is facing serious economic problems. As discussed earlier, the GDP and CPI indicate that our economy has been in a recession since December 2007. And upon closer study, the 2008 monthly unemployment rates do not start to steeply incline above the 5% threshold until May 2008, a few months after the start of the recession. This is consistent with unemployment being a lagging indicator of the economy. The Federal Reserve uses Open Market Operations, the purchase and sale of U. S. government bonds, to affect the Federal Funds Interest Rate. The current Fed Funds Rate, the rate at which banks can make short-term loans (typically overnight) to each other, has been cut to . 25%. This is the lowest since the Fed started publishing the funds target in 1990. To get the rate this low, the Fed’s bond traders buy government bonds, thus increasing the money supply and the aggregate demand of goods and services. This is supposed to encourage individuals and companies to borrow and spend. As Dr. Gregory Mankiw describes in his New York Times article, â€Å"What Would Keynes Have Done,† low interest rates also â€Å"bolster equity values and, by encouraging international capital to look elsewhere, reduce the value of the dollar in foreign markets. As a result, low interest rates increase spending on consumption and investments, in addition to increasing our nation’s net exports. (It should be noted that it will be very difficult to greatly increase exports presently because the world economy is struggling, not just ours. ) All of these things help strengthen the economy. If at some point in the future, it becomes prudent to raise the interest rat e, the Fed’s bond traders would then have to sell the government bonds, thus decreasing the money supply in the market and lowering the aggregate demand. With the U. S. economy currently in a recession, I do not recommend raising the interest rates in the short-term future. The good news is that reducing the Fed Funds Rate to historic lows has helped prevent the U. S. from slipping into a depression by allowing banks to continue to lend money to each other and keeping the nation’s money supply somewhat liquid. However, it appears that simply lowering the interest rate will not be the only cure for our economy. We have almost reached the point where the Fed Funds rates cannot fall any lower. The Fed and the U. S. government will have to take other measures to help pull us from this economic slide. Other options that have been used and need to continue to be considered: a)Putting hundreds of billions of dollars of new reserves into the private sector – As described by Robert Lucas in his 12/23/08 article â€Å"Bernanke is the Best Stimulus Right Now† from The Wall Street Journal, doing this gives investors relatively safe and liquid securities to buy for those who want to flee from the non-government issued and/or insured securities. Without these safer options provided by the Fed, when investors sold their current securities, they would most likely choose to save their money as cash, thus reducing spending and furthering the recession. b)Target long term interest rates – By staying committed to keeping interest low for a substantial period of time, the Fed can make banks feel more comfortable with lending to each other, thus keeping more liquid money in the market. c)The U. S. government can help stimulate the economy by choosing to finance substantial non-wasteful improvements to the nation’s infrastructure. By pumping dollars into the economy through government funded project, Washington creates jobs and in theory will stimulate spending by companies and individuals, thus helping the economy to recover. The catches are not to be wasteful with the spending during the recession and then to be fiscally responsible and cut back on government spending once the economy has recovered. Taking the actions described above will hopefully lessen the severity and duration of this current recession.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Attila the Hun Timeline and History

Attila the Hun Timeline and History This timeline shows the significant events in the history of the Huns, with emphasis on the reign of Attila the Hun, in a simple one-page format. For a more-detailed recounting, please see the in-depth timeline of Attila and the Huns. The Huns Before Attila 220-200 B.C. - Hunnic tribes raid China, inspire the building of the Great Wall of China 209 B.C. - Modun Shanyu unites the Huns (called Xiongnu by Chinese-speakers) in Central Asia 176 B.C. - Xiongnu attack the Tocharians in western China 140 B.C. - Han Dynasty Emperor Wu-ti attacks the Xiongnu 121 B.C. - Xiongnu defeated by Chinese; split into Eastern and Western groups 50 B.C. - Western Huns move west to the Volga River 350 A.D. - Huns appear in Eastern Europe The Huns under Attila's Uncle Rua c. 406 A.D. - Attila born to father Mundzuk and unknown mother 425 - Roman general Aetius hires Huns as mercenaries late 420s - Rua, Attilas uncle, seizes power and eliminates other kings 430 - Rua signs the peace treaty with Eastern Roman Empire, gets a tribute of 350 pounds of gold 433 - Western Roman Empire gives Pannonia (western Hungary) to the Huns as payment for military aid 433 - Aetius takes de facto power over Western Roman Empire 434 - Rua dies; Attila and older brother Bleda take Hunnic throne The Huns under Bleda and Attila 435 - Aetius hires the Huns to fight against the Vandals and Franks 435 - Treaty of Margus; Eastern Roman tribute increased from 350 to 700 pounds of gold c. 435-438 - Huns attack Sassanid Persia, but are defeated in Armenia 436 - Aetius and the Huns destroy the Burgundians 438 - First Eastern Roman embassy to Attila and Bleda 439 - Huns join the Western Roman army in a siege of the Goths at Toulouse Winter 440/441 - Huns sack a fortified Eastern Roman market town 441 - Constantinople sends its military forces to Sicily, en route to Carthage 441 - Huns besiege and capture the Eastern Roman cities of Viminacium and Naissus 442 - Eastern Roman tribute increased from 700 to 1400 pounds of gold September 12, 443 - Constantinople orders military readiness and vigilance against Huns 444 - Eastern Roman Empire stops paying tribute to Huns 445 - Death of Bleda; Attila becomes sole king Attila, King of the Huns 446 - Huns demand for tribute and fugitives denied by Constantinople 446 - Huns capture Roman forts at Ratiaria and Marcianople January 27, 447 - Major earthquake hits Constantinople; frantic repairs as Huns approach Spring 447 - Eastern Roman army defeated at Chersonesus, Greece 447 - Attila controls all of the Balkans, from the Black Sea to the Dardanelles 447 - Eastern Romans give 6,000 pounds of gold in back-tribute, yearly cost increased to 2,100 pounds of gold, and fugitive Huns handed over for impaling 449 - Maximinus and Priscus embassy to the Huns; attempted assassination of Attila 450 - Marcian becomes Emperor of Eastern Romans, ends payments to Huns 450 - Roman princess Honoria sends ring to Attila 451 - Huns overrun Germany and France; defeated at Battle of Catalaunian Fields 451-452 - Famine in Italy 452 - Attila leads an army of 100,000 into Italy, sacks Padua, Milan, etc. 453 - Attila suddenly dies on wedding night The Huns After Attila 453 - Three of Attilas sons divide the empire 454 - The Huns are driven from Pannonia by the Goths 469 - Hunnic king Dengizik (Attilas second son) dies; Huns disappear from history

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Islamophobia. How Is It An Issue In The Workplace Research Paper

Islamophobia. How Is It An Issue In The Workplace - Research Paper Example Islamophobia is an up-coming proportional notion in the social sciences. However, there is no acknowledged meaning of Islamophobia; therefore, it can be relevant to any censure of Islamic activities. Conversely, Islamophobia is not a new movement; however, several Muslim communities encounter increased aggression that is portraying mistrust, deep-rooted intolerance, and ignorance. Regardless its discrimination and intolerance, Islamophobia remains and infringement of human rights and threatens social cohesion. Islamophobia, an intense or illogical fear of all Islamic people is high in the western countries as Muslims are perceived to be a solitary nation that does not identify and reverence precincts set up by western culture and administration. Also, some government representatives like Tony Blair of Britain in 2005 described Sharia laws as a malevolent philosophy, leading further to Muslims being viewed as ‘others’ and as ‘enemies’ in communities that once co-existed peacefully. This statement receded Britain’s view of being a multi racial, ethnic and religious nation. In this paper, the researcher will provide a theoretical framework of Islamophobia and how affects the workplace and its implications towards Human resource (Allen 130) The west has different moral and ethical codes compared to countries run with Islamic culture. Especially on mass media moral principles, most processes and practices are based on the advertising mechanisms and sales standards. Several media houses are deeply rooted on western ideologies and philosophies. The west civil liberties, responsibilities, liberty, and guidelines of the press slightly differ from Islamic governed countries and that is why the western media views some of their cultures, for example, towards women as oppressive and as denial of some of the basic human rights. The background information of the Islamic culture Islam is a monotheistic faith made known through Prophet Muhammad , Allah’s prophet; in fact, it is regarded a major global religious conviction. In addition, the Islamic religion is the second largest religion, growing at a high speed alongside Christianity. It is estimated that, of every five people on earth, one of them is a Muslim (Heinz 103). Most Europeans who have travelled through Muslim societies have depicted Muslim women as oppressed by their men that they are victims both sexually and as the weak sex. Likewise, the media have portrayed women as an allurement showing how they have been victimized and perplexed. On the other hand, Muslim men have been viewed by western countries as barbaric, sexists and terrorists. Therefore, Islamic beliefs and culture have become more scrutinized especially after 9/11, citing their prayers and wearing of hijabs as Islamic fundamentalism. Therefore, discrepancies have risen based on how societies have seen Muslims. This has made people afraid to have Muslims as neighbors. In addition, at the airp orts or in a plane, Muslims and people of Arabic origin are looked at suspiciously leading to stigmatization, seclusion, and even being biased towards Muslims (Williams 4). The society has perceived Muslims as evil doers. To some extent, Muslims are being persecuted for their choice of the way of life/religious beliefs. Undeniably, that is a wrong influence on how to view the Islamic culture and its followers. This is because views expressed by the Islamic extremists that do not necessarily represent the views and perception of Islam as a whole. These extreme activists, most of them being Middle Eastern Muslims have been waging war in western countries through terrorism. The Qur’an states that, during times of ignorance, people worshipped idols as a way of staying

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Evaluating Popular vs. Scholarly Presentations of Global Climate Essay

Evaluating Popular vs. Scholarly Presentations of Global Climate Change - Essay Example 1 (a) The clearest part of the polpular article is Arctic ice will melt by 2100 due to global warming. In the podcast the description of weather and natural beauty and taste of water is clearly understood. The introduction, conclusion and the graphs of the scholarly article are the clearest parts. Climate change will cause the arctic ice to melt and it will further cause climate change is the clearest idea I got from scholarly podcast. 1 (b) Least clear part of popular article is how declines in Arctic sea-ice cover during the winter months would reduce winter precipitation. From podcast it is least clear what 40 scientists are going to do Least clear part of scholarly article is the relationship of plant growth with UV-B. Least clear part in scholarly podcast is the how general circulation model works and how accurate are the predictions 2. The author of the popular article warns us about the danger of global warming. The director of the popular podcast also trying to communicate the adverse impacts of climate change, but it gives more description of nature. The writers of the scholarly articles describe how different parameters are going to impact plant growth and how the ecosystem or different plant species will adapt to the change.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Compare and contrast ANY TWO of the following approaches to the Essay

Compare and contrast ANY TWO of the following approaches to the governance of transnational corporations (TNCs) - Essay Example Governing international corporations ensures that business runs as it is supposed to. It also ensures that the corporations do not take advantage of prevailing situations to enrich themselves at the expense of other people in society. In other words, global business governance ensures that everyone gains from the operations of international business (Zadek, 2001). There are many theories that can be used to analyze the governance of global business. For the purposes of this paper, I will examine global business governance using the Neoliberal Approach and the Social Democratic Approach. These two approaches have been used to propagate the idea of prosperity through international commerce (Epstein, 1999). The Neoliberal approach to global business governance can be described as the theory that supports economic freedom, which is an important factor in international business policy discussions. The neoliberal approach gained popularity after being adopted by the World Trade Organization in 1970. The main objective of this perspective is to remove all the barriers to international commerce and the privatization of services and resources. Reduced restrictions on all or some economic activities means that the governments of the involved countries do not have the mandate to interfere with how the multinational corporations run their businesses. The neoliberal model’s support for free market methods also means that there should as little restriction on business operations as possible. The multinational corporations are also are entitled to full property rights in their areas of operations (Hill, 2008). In this approach there is limited government intervention in international corporate governance. Instead, it supports the multilateral political influence from such bodies as the World Bank and the WTO. Privatization is a major component of neoliberalism. This means

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Importance Of Having Good Communication Skills English Language Essay

The Importance Of Having Good Communication Skills English Language Essay Introduction Most of us know the importance of having a good communication skill if we want to have a successful career and enjoy a harmonious interpersonal relationship with people. But it is quite another story for us to practice it appropriately in our daily life. In this paper we focus on some necessary steps of acquiring a good communication skill which includes how to reduce communication noise, non-verbal communication, and suggestions to practice communication skill properly. I shall first present a communication event at the beginning. This event happened in a clinic between a dentist and a patient. Due to the dentists good understanding of verbal communication, and well-acquired non-verbal communication technique, he finally succeed in persuading his patient to accept dental treatment. Details on the analysis and related communication theories based on the event will be discussed in later sections. Mr Smith was an experienced dentist. Many of his previously satisfied patients became his loyal customers due to his excellent medical skill and thoughtful service. One day, a man dragged a little girl into his clinic. The girl was about 7 years old. An anxious expression was wearing on her small tearstained face. Her frightened eyes told Smith that she did really scare of being taken to see a dentist and her stiffed body showed that she would never be willing to accept any dental treatments. The girls father was at a loss for what to do to coax his daughter to accept treatment. Mr Smith smiled at the girl and approached to her, spoke to the girl in a gentle tone Darling, what makes you so scary? People hate dentist, so do I. Seeing a dentist hurts a lot, the girl answered with tearful eyes. Mr Smith knew it clearly that many children can not endure dental treatment due to fear. But he is experienced enough to cope with such problem. He explained the process of treatment in details i n a way that a child can understand in a mild tone. Mr Smith noticed that she has stopped shedding tears. He added If you behaved well during the treatment, you can choose a small toy to reward yourself for your great courage. Mr Smith smiled at her with a toy box waving in his hand. Thanks to the patience and kindness of Mr Smith, the girl finally accepted the treatment readily. Again he built a new good relationship with his patient. When we consider why and how Mr Smith wins his patients trust and loyalty, it is obvious that his success is inseparable from his distinguished communication skills. For supporting my viewpoint I will analyze Mr Smiths effective communication with related theories and authoritative opinions from authorities and books. Communication noise is an obstacle blocks the way of receivers receive our messages. Communication noise includes mechanical noise, semantic noise and psychological noise. Communication noise is something refers to have a profound impact on effective communication which influences the interpretation of conversations ( December 2009). The basis of communication is the interaction between people. However the barriers built by communication noise prevent us from properly percepting others intentions during the interaction of a communication. How did Mr Smith deal with these noises? Firstly is the trouble brought by mechanical noise. Mechanical noise is actual physical interference with the signal (Mohan et al. 1997, p. 7). In dentist Mr Smiths clinic the main mechanical noise is the noise generated by the dental drill. As Mr Smith is a thoughtful man he offers a separated waiting room especially designed for his patients which decorated wi th lovely ornaments, so that the noise from the consulting room can be isolated. Thus, the quite environment made by Mr Smith can enable him to make a more effective communication with his patients. Secondly is the Semantic noise. Semantic noise is the study of meaning. (Mohan et al. 1997, p. 7) For our receivers can understand our messages fully. We should choose words carefully. The words should be chosen within the understanding ability of receivers that is simple but concise to the point. We must take our receivers age, gender, religion, education, career, culture, and cognition into consideration. Carl Rogers, based on his experience as a psychotherapist, contends that the major barrier to interpersonal empathy is our very natural tendency to judge, to evaluate, to approve (or disapprove) the statement of the other person or the other group (Nebell, 1991, P. 217) That is our interpretation of some words and phrases are tend to distort the meaning of the communication by nature. For avoiding distortion and misunderstanding, Mr Smith chose his words mainly according to his patients age. Mr Smith tried to use simple and short words to communicate with his little patient. We can infer that long and complex words can only confused the little girl. What is worse it may make her distorts the meaning. Since the girl has bias toward dental treatment. Mr Smith also avoided to describe the oral surgery in a professional way with terminology instead he use interesting and vivid analogy to let the girl understand that the surgery is good to her health and easy. Then on the basis of the girls cognition, he simply told what should the girl to do during the treatment. He use proper words wisely simplified the concept of dental treatment in her mind. Those words have made a great contribution to diminish the fear inside of the girl. Thirdly is the psychological noise. Psychological noise is use of language or other communication symbols can set up emotional barriers betwe en people. (Mohan et al. 1997, p. 7) Mr Smith judged according to a kids psychological interest and preference, he gave the little girl a small toy as a reward. In this way Mr Smith collapsed his patients emotional barriers. Moreover the lovely ornaments on the wall is also a kind of communication. They use their cute out-looking, vivid colors telling the patients that here is a warm cozy place. Theres nothing to be afraid of, thus calms nerves inside of the patients. In his little patients fathers eyes Mr Smith has offered her daughter considerate service. From the above analysis, we can reach to the conclusion that only when we minimize or reduce the three kind noise of mechanical noise, semantic noise and psychological noise, can we offer a clear access to send our messages to others and get matchable feedback from our receivers. Non-verbal communication involves a transmission of information via sigh language, gestures, facial expression or other forms of body language. (Mohan et al. 1997 P. 7). Most people understand the importance of communication skills in the social life. But when they practice it, they usually neglect their facial expression, tone, body language in non-verbal communication unconsciously. As a mater of fact, ones facial expression gestures and body language is really important, it can imply others his attitude. For express ourselves better, we need to lay emphasis on the way to achieve success in non-verbal communication. The following are some suggestions. First, putting yourself in others shoes is a good way to sense others feelings on the condition that youve been well observed others facial expression, gesture, tone and body language. Prophet Muhammad is related to have said that any one of us is not considered to be a believing person, until he/she does unto others what he/she wishe s they do unto him/hertheytheydountohim/( July 2008). In the event, Mr Smith judged from the facial expression and body language of his patient, such as tearstained face, stiffed body, frightened look. Those body language reveals lots of information to him, thus help him gets to know what do his patient worries about so that he can adjust his language, facial expression, body language and paralanguage accordingly to cater to the psychology needs and wants of his patient. Second, use your own facial expression gesture, tone and body language and some other paralanguage properly. Never take it for granted that people can always fully understand you at ease. Combine your paralanguage and body language with your words is crucial. In this aspect Mr Smith has made a good example for us. He used a series of facial expression tone, body language and words to communicate with his stubborn patient to talk her into accept dental treatment readily. Mr Smith uses his gentle tone and smile to relax the little girls mind at ease and with the words he selected he successfully convinced his little patient that the process of treatment is painless. Combine proper paralanguage with selected words can make Mr Smiths words sounds more acceptable and credible in the girls ear. Many research studies have been carried out on this point: Non-verbal communication has been extensively studied in the psychology and psychotherapy disciplines and has been shown to have a central effect on participants perceptions of an event. (Mark Gillian 2003 pp. 384 398). That is if you well used your eye movement and gestures and body languages in a non-verbal communication that can help you to yield the twice result with half effort! So I can say with sure that without Mr Smiths paralanguage and facial expression or other body language the outcome will be much worse, or even end up in failure. That kind of communication starts from the heart which can be more effective in achieving a satisfied outcome of communication. His smile, his friendly manner, and his gentle tone reinforced the effectiveness of sending his sincerity to others. In conclusion to this, if we want to express ourselves more clearly to dissolve others hostility and misunderstanding to the greatest degree. It is essential for us to sense others feelings. In other words the way to achieve success in non-verbal communication is not only rely on to have a better understanding through others body language facial expression and paralanguage, but also important for ourselves to properly used our sign language, facial expressions, gestures and body language to enable others feel easier or even comfortable in receiving our messages. Conclusion It goes without saying that communication is playing an important roll in keeping a good relationship with people and improving efficiency in our work. After all have been discussed, acquire a good communication skill is identified as you are able to put yourself into others shoes, to sense others feeling. To collapse the communication barriers which build by mechanical noise, semantic noise, psychological noise. Whats more, well used your facial expression, gesture, and body language will definitely enhance your chance of sending your message to your receiver correctly.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Best Man Speech Delivered by the Brother of the Groom :: Wedding Toasts Roasts Speeches

Best Man Speech Delivered by the Brother of the Groom Firstly, on behalf of the bridesmaids, I'd like to thank the groom for his kind words, and I have to say they have done an excellent job today and look absolutely wonderful. I am very proud that I was chosen to be the best man today. It’s often said at weddings that being asked to be the best man is like being asked to kiss the Queen. Its a great honor but nobody wants to do it. I have a large library of stories to tell you that will leave the groom embarrassed and humiliated, but out of respect for him on his big day I have decided not to tell them. So I'm not going to tell you about the time he vomited over a taxi driver's head or ended up in hospital on his stag do. The groom was born on November 13, 1972. Coincidentally, this was also the year that the first Mr. Alen books were published, and if you know him or know anyone that has lived with him, you'll easily be able to guess which Mr. Man he takes after. No, its not Mr. Topsy-Turvey or Mr. Bump, it’s Mr. Messy. Even though he stopped reading the Mr. Alen books last year, I doubt he will ever loose his natural ability to make a mess. (To the bride) If you need any tips on getting him to tidy up, don't ask my mom or dad as they were unsuccessful for twenty years. After leaving school, the groom had a brief career as an accountant but soon saw the light and decided that cleaning a swimming pool would be more interesting. After a few other career moves he decided that he was missing something, so decided to go to university to study sport science. Before he'd gone away to university, the groom was extremely fit, as skinny as a rake, and very serious about his cycling. It was on the following Christmas holiday when I saw he was starting to put on a bit of weight that I realized - he'd fallen in love with beer. I hear he had an excellent time at uni, living in a house of like-minded people who also had this great love. The stag do was a couple of weeks ago in Brighton and on the Saturday evening we went to a club called The Event.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Counselors as Companions and Ethics in Human Services Essay

In this article the counselor states: â€Å"I found that when working with such clients, my role as counselor is more akin to a special type of travel companion who is willing to understand and respect the process of walking along a sacred life path. This is the only way I can effectively help a client explore the deeper dimensions of the self that are being challenged. As the hero’s companion I must be willing to share in the client’s pain as well as new, and oftentimes unexpected, discoveries.† (Halstead, 2000) The counselor learned that he needed to be a companion not a guide. He also learned that no matter how hard a situation is or no matter how many times someone tells you that you cannot do something, if you have the willpower and want to, you can overcome anything you encounter on life’s journey. As the counselor, we must show the client that we are there for them and not tell them what they should be doing or how they should handle a certain situation. In the future, I feel the counselor will be more supportive of the decisions his clients make. As a counselor, we may sometimes feel that the client should do something one way and try to push them towards it but in the end the client really does know what is best for them. There are so many people like Steve in The Hero’s Journey, who are told they will never be able to do something and they work hard, overcome every obstacle thrown their way and prove everyone wrong. I believe that everyone we come in contact with changes us in one way or the other. I believe everyone has a story that can help the next person. I have a best friend who called me one day and was telling me about this girl she knew who had lost everything, kids, house, car, job, everything someone can  lose, she had lost it. My best friend starts telling me that this girl had turned to drugs, prostitution, living on the streets and had also mentioned suicide a few times. My best friend told me that she felt like if this girl was to hear my story then it would help her so I told her to bring this girl to my house. They get to my house and I immediately wanted to cry because when I looked at this girl, I seen what I looked like eleven years ago. She was about 5’11 and maybe 100 pounds, her face was sunk in and you could tell she had not had a shower in a long time. I got her something to eat and drink and then told her my story. I told her about how I was raised Pentecostal by my grandmother who taught me right from wrong. I never wanted for anything growing up and had a family that loved me just like she did. When I turned 18 years old, I started doing drugs, prostitution, being beaten almost on a daily basis by a man who I thought loved me, being rapped on several occasions, almost killed three different times, dying from a drug/alcohol overdose but the doctors were able to bring me back, being sent to prison while I was pregnant for something I didn’t do, having my son in prison and losing custody of him and how I turned my life around when I got out of prison. While I am telling my story to this sad and lost girl, she is crying the whole time and I know it is because she is just a younger version of me. I was told that I would never be anything but a failure at life and would never amount to anything but looking at my life now, you would never know that I had went through any of that unless I told you. Today, this girl has her kids back, a beautiful home, making about $50,000 a year, a husband who truly loves her and she says it is because my story gave her the strength she needed to turn her life around. When we got done that night, she looked at me and said, â€Å"Thank you for sharing your story with me, it has given me the hope and strength that I have been looking for to turn my life around. I wanted to end my life and just be done with it all.† That night she promised me she was not going to stop fighting and she didn’t. So yes, I believe with all my heart that most people you come in contact with change you in some way. Steve states in the article that, â€Å"I really grew up because of all this. Before the attack I was going nowhere. Now I have a direction.† (Halstead, 2000) His challenges gave him a greater sensitivity to others needs who were  recovering from strokes and brain injuries. (Halstead, 2000) I believe that having a counselor who believed in him also helped Steve to not give up. Steve had been told by doctor after doctor that he would always be limited to things he would be able to do. Having just one person tell him that he could do anything he put his mind to, gave him the extra push he needed to overcome those limitations the doctors had given him. I feel that both Steven and the counselor benefited from this relationship. When Steve’s psychiatrist called the counselor, I do not feel the psychiatrist had a right to discuss Steve with the counselor without his permission. I do feel the counselor did right by not going into details about his sessions with Steve and waited until Steve returned to school to speak with him about it. However, when the counselor seen that Steve was depressed and thinking about suicide when he received his fall semester grades, the counselor had a responsibility to Steve to seek help from someone else. In the Ethical Standards for Human Service Professionals it states that â€Å"if it is suspected that danger or harm may occur to the client or to others as a result of a client’s behavior, the human service professional acts in an appropriate and professional manner to protect the safety of those individuals. This may involve seeking consultation, supervision, and/or breaking the confidentiality of the relationship.† (National Organization for Human Services, n.d) If I ever have a client that is thinking about suicide, I will talk to my supervisor and ask for his help in coming up with a plan to help my client, maybe ask my supervisor to sit in on a session with me and talk to the client as well. Because of the personal nature of their work, human service workers at all levels are held to a code of ethics that protects the rights and dignity of clients and establishes standards of practice. (Sessoms, n.d) The National Organization of Human Service ethical standards places a responsibility on human service workers that have for their clients, the community, colleagues, employers, the profession and the human service worker themselves. The National Association of Social Workers approaches ethics through a core set of values, which include service, dignity and worth of the person, social justice, integrity and competence. (Sessoms, n.d) Reference Halstead, R. W. (2000). FROM TRAGEDY TO TRIUMPH: COUNSELOR AS COMPANION ON THE HERO’S JOURNEY. Retrieved from National Organization for Human Services. (n.d.). Ethical Standards for Human Service Professionals. Retrieved July 5, 2014, from Sessoms, G. (n.d.). Code of Ethics for Human Service Workers. Retrieved July 5, 2014, from http://

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Prehistoric Life During the Ordovician Period

Prehistoric Life During the Ordovician Period One of the lesser-known geologic spans in the earths history, the Ordovician period (448-443 million years ago) didnt witness the same extreme burst of evolutionary activity that characterized the preceding Cambrian period; rather, this was the time when the earliest arthropods and vertebrates expanded their presence in the worlds oceans. The Ordovician is the second period of the Paleozoic Era (542-250 million years ago), preceded by the Cambrian and succeeded by the Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian periods. Climate and geography. For most of the Ordovician period, global conditions were as stifling as during the preceding Cambrian; air temperatures averaged about 120 degrees Fahrenheit worldwide, and sea temperatures may have reached as high as 110 degrees at the equator. By the end of the Ordovician, however, the climate was much cooler, as an ice cap formed on the south pole and glaciers covered adjacent landmasses. Plate tectonics carried the earths continents to some strange places; for example, much of what would later become Australia and Antarctica protruded into the northern hemisphere! Biologically, these early continents were important only insofar as their coastlines provided sheltered habitats for shallow-water marine organisms; no life of any kind had yet conquered land. Marine Life During the Ordovician Period Invertebrates. Few non-experts have heard of it, but the Great Ordovician Biodiversity Event (also known as the Ordovician Radiation) was second only to the Cambrian Explosion in its importance to the early history of life on earth. Over the course of 25 or so million years, the number of marine genera around the world quadrupled, including new varieties of sponges, trilobites, arthropods, brachiopods, and echinoderms (early starfish). One theory is that the formation and migration of new continents encouraged biodiversity along their shallow coastlines, although climatic conditions also likely came into play. On the other side of the evolutionary coin, the end of the Ordovician period marked the first great mass extinction in the history of life on earth (or, one should say, the first for which we have ample fossil evidence; there were certainly periodic extinctions of bacteria and single-celled life during the preceding Proterozoic Era). Plunging global temperatures, accompanied by drastically lowered sea levels, wiped out a huge number of genera, although marine life as a whole recovered fairly rapidly by the start of the ensuing Silurian period. Vertebrates. Practically all you need to know about vertebrate life during the Ordovician period is contained in the aspises, especially Arandaspis and Astraspis. These were two of the first jawless, lightly armored prehistoric fish, measuring anywhere from six to 12 inches long and vaguely reminiscent of giant tadpoles. The bony plates of Arandaspis and its ilk would evolve in later periods into the accoutrements of modern fish, further reinforcing the basic vertebrate body plan. Some paleontologists also believe that the numerous, tiny, worm-like conodonts found in Ordovician sediments count as true vertebrates; if so, these may have been the first vertebrates on earth to evolve teeth. Plant Life During the Ordovician Period As with the preceding Cambrian, evidence for terrestrial plant life during the Ordovocian period is maddeningly elusive. If land plants did exist, they consisted of microscopic green algae floating on or just underneath the surface of ponds and streams, along with equally microscopic early fungi. However, it wasnt until the ensuing Silurian period that the first terrestrial plants appeared for which we have solid fossil evidence.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Women in Military essays

Women in Military essays Women in the Military: Combat Roles When I think about women in combat, I think about the days of the Revolutionary War, women helping their husbands to load cannons or I think about the army nurses who played vital roles overseas during the Vietnam conflict. I also think about women Helicopter pilots providing air support to our soldiers and sailors during Operation Desert Storm. Twenty years ago when I enlisted into the Army I never even considered that I would be expected to serve in an actual combat role nor did I join the army to be able to experience any combat situation other than training. Thesis However, today there are several advocates of the Equal Rights Amendment who believe that women in the military should be allowed to serve this country in combat roles. Although I have heard numerous debates on television and read about them in newspaper articles, I have yet to hear an enlisted women verbalize her desire to serve as an Infantrywomen or an Armored Tank Crewmember. It seems to me that the only people Gamboni-Short 2 fighting for more combat roles for women in the military are women who are not in the military. Women do not belong in the combat zones during military conflicts. It disrupts the overall moral and personal readiness of the unit. To prove this I will offer statistics, opinions, and statements from other female soldiers. It is obvious how my male counterparts feel about Women in Combat by the omission of females in combat positions. I have interviewed several women assigned to my unit to see just exactly how women in the military feel about serving in combat roles. The first women I spoke with, SFC Sheryl Skepple, has served on Active Duty in the Army for 16 years, she is married to a civilian and has twin two-year-olds. When asked how she felt about Women in Combat she replied with the following: Women in the military have been deployed to numerous operations throughout the world. They...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Shaping the Development of Business in Canada Essay

Shaping the Development of Business in Canada - Essay Example Additionally, Canada enjoys a better market environment that emanates from political stability and pleasant government policies on business. All these factors promote the development of business in Canada. Hence, despite the growing market competition, business in Canada is vibrant and plays a fundamental role in the economy. Foreign investment is also a significant aspect in Canadian business. Many Canadian companies have adopted a corporate strategy to venture international investment with an aim of increasing their competing advantage in the global economy (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada 1). Actually, the total value on Canadian foreign investment supersede that of foreign direct investment in Canada since 1997 (Lennox and Bow 150).Foreign investments in Canada promote access to overseas markets, access to more resources, reduce input costs, new technologies, and provide better support to foreign customers (Frigon 1). Indeed, foreign investment in Canada is both di rect and portfolio with both types bringing significant contribution to the Canadian economy. Actually, foreigners who enjoy the annual interest, income, and dividend payments mostly control Canadian economy. This draws the significance of foreign investment in shaping business in Canada. In addition, resultant technological advancements, new management ideas, and implementation of international trade policies will benefit and shape business in Canada. This guarantees higher productivity, increased exports and employment, superior competitiveness, and rampant growth of the Canadian economy. However, these investments are at risk of political instability, expropriation, uncertain regulations, and weak... This essay approves that the government has adopted and negotiated international agreements that govern international trade and foreign investments. For example, the government of Canada adopts a policy of negotiating and adopting the Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement that governs bilateral trade activities. Actually, Canada its FIPA model in 2003 with an objective of enhancing clarity in the substantive obligations, disciplining and improving efficiency in the dispute settlement procedures and promoting certainty and transparency in its business environment. The participation in foreign investment guarantees access to diverse markets, new technologies, reduction in input costs, and availability of business resources. These factors lead to business profitability and further business development. This report makes a conclusion that there are a number of features that would significantly shape the development of business in Canada such as Canada’s â€Å"storehouse of resources,† foreign investment, government policies, the role of entrepreneurs and family firms, big business, and banking and finance. However, though all these features are relevant and significant in this context, government policies stand out as the most significant feature. Additionally, there are various government policies relating to business regulations, financial support, international agreements, registration, licensing, and legislations that take important roles in shaping development in business. These policies are subject to changes and apply selectively. All government policies aim at developing domestic and international e- commerce in Canada.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Citizen Kane review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Citizen Kane review - Essay Example As he utters his last word, â€Å"Rosebud†, a journalist sets out on a journey of investigation to discover the meaning of Kane’s last word. It is through this exploration, including interviews with family members and associates, that we are told the life story of Kane, from childhood as a member of a poverty stricken family, through to his move into the newspaper industry as he develops a position of huge and influential power within the medium as his personal life disintegrates. One of the most innovative and important aspects of the movie is its narrative techniques, which I greatly admire. The story is told through a series of flashbacks, and not necessarily in chronological order. In addition to this, the story is entirely non-linear in that it is told through the perspective and points of view of multiple characters (Cook, 2004). Such characters include much older individuals who have different interpretations and opposing descriptions of the protagonist. This non-linear storytelling technique which incorporates multiple narrators, including unreliable narrators, was extremely innovative of the time. Though a few previous movies had attempted this to some degree, â€Å"Citizen Kane† exploited this technique and based the structure of the entire movie upon this strategy. This is an extremely effective device and very appropriate for this particular movie. Another aspect of the movie which has garnered much well deserved acclaim is the cinematography. Welles apparently attempted to create a new style of making films, by trying to combine several such techniques into one cohesive method. This resulted in many new and innovative aspects to the movies cinematography. For example, the director employed several low-angle shots and used deep focus extensively (Cook 96). This was extremely modern and new for the time period, as the limitations and typical settings of movies